Study calls for people to grow their own food for many years to come, despite finding higher carbon footprint compared to conventional agriculture

Study and headline saying homegrown food is more carbon intensive than conventional agriculture is meant to discourage and stop people from growing their own food

SOURCE: Social media users, The Atlas Society

Published: 02 Feb 2024


US proposed bills and hearings do not confirm the use of chemtrails, which do not exist and are not a geoengineering strategy

US state governments are banning chemtrails, confirming secret government programs using chemtrails for various purposes that harm the public and the environment

SOURCE: Social media users, OFF GRID with DOUG and STACY

Published: 26 Jan 2024


Evidence greenhouse gasses cause global warming denied by Willie Soon in Tucker Carlson interview, resulting in mass social media climate misinformation

Carbon dioxide does not cause global warming, scientists are 90% sure it’s the Sun; The climate problems blamed on carbon dioxide (such as ocean acidification and negative impacts on polar bears) are not real

SOURCE: Willie Soon, Tucker Carlson Network

Published: 22 Jan 2024


EU is not passing law to ‘seize and scrap’ cars under climate agenda, contrary to Peter Sweden claim

The EU could SEIZE and SCRAP your old car if it doesn't meet their criteria as part of their climate agenda.

SOURCE: Peter Imanuelsen (aka Peter Sweden), Twitter/X

Published: 18 Jan 2024


Contrary to widespread misrepresentation, new study finds “extremely minimal” impact of human breathing on climate

Scientists say human breathing is fueling global warming

SOURCE: Jonathan Chadwick, Daily Mail (MailOnline)

Published: 12 Jan 2024


Viral claim that cow burps are not an important contributor to climate change ignores full range of greenhouse gas emissions of beef production

Methane from cows is only a small percentage of total greenhouse gas emissions, it would be produced anyways without cattle, it is not an important contributor to climate change

SOURCE: Social media user, Instagram

Published: 09 Jan 2024


Uncertainties about future climate change in the 1970’s does not invalidate today’s evidence on the reality of global warming

Scientists predicted global cooling and were wrong, so they are wrong about global warming

SOURCE: Facebook users, Facebook

Published: 19 Dec 2023


Water vapor is a greenhouse gas, but it is not a major driver of global warming

Water vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas so it is the main cause of recent global warming

SOURCE: Facebook users, Climate Change is Crap

Published: 08 Dec 2023


Video of Ian Plimer incorrectly states that human CO2 emissions are not responsible for increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations and global warming

Increases in atmospheric CO2 is mainly from natural causes, like ocean outgassing, and not from humans who emit so little in comparison

SOURCE: Ian Plimer, Conservative Political Action Conference

Published: 04 Dec 2023


Global warming matches model predictions well despite misconstrued claims about new photosynthesis study

New photosynthesis study shows that Earth is not warming as predicted by climate models

SOURCE: Steve Milloy, Twitter

Published: 01 Dec 2023