The Washington Post

Man behind claim that jet stream made rare equator transit responds to criticism


“The website Climate Feedback, in which leading climate scientists review the credibility of articles published in the media, examined a story in the Independent trumpeting Beckwith’s “unprecedented” claim. It gave the story a “low” credibility score and concluded: “In reality, such wind features are frequently observed and the central claim of the article is thus unsupported by science.””

University of California Newsroom

Can you trust what you read about climate change?


"As Climate Feedback has started building up a body of article reviews, patterns are emerging: Some news sources consistently produce accurate stories on climate change, while others are consistently inaccurate."

Meteo et Climat

Lettre d’information de la Societé Française de la Météorologie et du Climat


"Le site Climate Feedback est une initiative intéressante de l’Université de Californie à Merced : des articles de journaux traitant du changement climatique et choisis parmi ceux les plus lus sont passés au crible par un réseau international de plus 120 scientifiques et gratifiés d’un indice de crédibilité. Le but est à la fois d’aider le lecteur à identifier les informations fiables et celles qui ne le sont pas et aussi d’améliorer, à terme, la couverture médiatique du changement climatique."

Society of Environmental Journalists

Scientists Critique Media Reports on Climate


"It’s unlikely to come across as just another press-bashing exercise by advocates for or against what generally is cast as the “mainstream” science on the issue. In fact, the new climate reporting “watchdog” group [...] is made up of more than 100 Ph.D. scientists, among them a fair sampling widely recognized and respected in climate science circles."


Annotation might be the future of fact-checking


"Climate Feedback, a scientist-led effort to "peer review" the world’s climate journalism, is closing in on its $30,000 crowdfunding target. A successful conclusion to the campaign would bolster one of the most prominent efforts yet to conduct fact-checking via web annotation."

Le Monde

Quand les chercheurs en sciences du climat « fact-checkent » les articles de presse


"globalement, l’honneur est à peu près sauf pour les journalistes. Les textes les plus trompeurs épinglés par Climate Feedback sont en effet généralement des tribunes rédigées par des personnalités extérieures aux organes de presse."

Think Progress

How To Find Out How Accurate Your Favorite News Site Is On Climate


"“I think [Climate Feedback] is a really powerful thing. This is such a manipulated topic,” said Jeff Chanton, Florida State University. Climate change has indeed been seen as one of the worst examples of “false balance” in the press."

The New York Times Dot Earth

Scientists Build a Hype Detector for Online Climate News and Commentary


"the most relevant use of the Hypothesis tool so far is by Climate Feedback, through which a large (and hopefully growing) network of scientists studying climate change and related subjects is applying a layer of external peer review and a reliability rating to news articles and commentary on global warming."


Scientists are fact-checking climate journalism now


“Here’s an open industry secret: Environmental and climate journalists are disseminating scientific information to the public, but most of us aren’t scientists. Neither are the fact-checkers.”

The Guardian

Climate scientists are now grading climate journalism


"We argue that scientists have a moral duty to speak up when they see misinformation masquerading as science. [...] You can help them make their voices heard. We invite you to stand with us for a better internet. We invite you to stand with science."