
David Bahr
Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Regis University and Institute of Arctic and Al
Expertise: Glaciology
Analysis of “Top 10 Global Warming Lies That May Shock You”
in Forbes, by James Taylor
— 03 Nov 2015
"This article wins the Olympic gold for cherry-picking data, misleading claims, and a long list of scientifically unsupported assertions.
Analysis of “Climate Change Will Cause Increased Flooding In Coastal Cities ”
in Forbes, by Matthew Francis
— 25 Oct 2015
"The article discusses a manuscript that is still under "open access" review, so naturally there is still significant (and public) discussion about the details among scientific rev..
Analysis of “Wake up, Obama, climate change has been happening forever”
in New York Post, by Betsy McCaughey
— 10 Sep 2015
"the evidence of accelerating glacier melt and retreat in response to manmade warming is crystal clear. Any other conclusion is willfully ignoring the data, the facts, and the conc..