
Ed Hawkins
Principal Research Fellow, National Centre for Atmospheric Science
Expertise: Climate variability and predictability
Hypothesis handle: ed_hawkins
Qualifying publication(s): see criteria
Telegraph article on climate change mixes accurate and unsupported, inaccurate claims, misleads with false balance
in The Telegraph, by Sarah Knapton
— 18 Oct 2019
"This article is a prime example of false equivalence, putting fringe figures side by side with mainstream scientific findings while failing to distinguish between their respective..
New York Times’ “straightforward answers” to common climate questions are accurate, too
in The New York Times, by Justin Gillis
— 28 Sep 2017
This article in The New York Times serves as a primer by briefly answering seventeen basic questions about the cause and consequences of—and possible solutions to—climate chang...
Daily Wire article misunderstands study on carbon budget (along with Fox News, The Telegraph, The Daily Mail, Breitbart…)
in The Daily Wire, by James Barrett
— 21 Sep 2017
"The article selectively quotes from interviews and scientific papers to create the false perception that climate models significantly overestimate the rate of warming. The article..
The Telegraph publishes false information about Arctic climate
in The Telegraph, by Christopher Booker
— 09 May 2017
"This article suffers from a common error in reasoning. The author focuses on individual “snapshots” of the state of the climate while ignoring the long-term trends. Those tren..
Analysis of “Stunning new data indicates El Nino drove record highs in global temperatures…”
in Daily Mail, by David Rose
— 02 Dec 2016
This is an incredibly misleading article. It cherry picks a dataset taking measurements 2 miles up in the atmosphere only over land areas that disagrees with the other two datasets...
Analysis of “Next year or the year after, the Arctic will be free of ice”
in The Guardian, by Robin McKie
— 25 Aug 2016
"before propagating a marginal view, one should ensure having a very strong argumentation; in this interview no argumentation is put forward to support Peter Wadhams’ central cla..
Daily Wire article incorrectly claims climate models have overestimated warming
climate models have overestimated the amount of global warming and failed to predict what climatologists call the warming ‘hiatus’
SOURCE: James Barrett, The Daily Wire
Published: 22 Sep 2017

Some extreme weather events are clearly becoming more common, in contrast to Lord Lawson’s claim
The IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which is sort of the voice of the consensus, concedes that there has been no increase in extreme weather events.
SOURCE: Nigel Lawson, BBC
Published: 10 Aug 2017

Lord Lawson falsely claims that global temperatures have declined over last decade
according, again, to the official figures—during this past 10 years, if anything, mean global temperature, average world temperature, has slightly declined
SOURCE: Nigel Lawson, BBC
Published: 10 Aug 2017

Global warming has not “ceased”, as Heartland Institute report falsely claims
global warming ceased around the end of the twentieth century and was followed (since 1997) by 19 years of stable temperature
SOURCE: Craig Idso, Robert Carter, S. Fred Singer, Heartland Institute
Published: 29 May 2017

Science shows that humans are primarily responsible for climate change, counter to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s claim
I would not agree that [carbon dioxide is] a primary contributor to the global warming that we see.
SOURCE: EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, CNBC
Published: 10 Mar 2017