
Lennart Bach
Postdoctoral research fellow, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Expertise: Ocean acidification, Phytoplankton, Marine primary production
Hypothesis handle: Lenni
Qualifying publication(s): see criteria
BBC article on ocean acidification report accurate but brief
in BBC, by Roger Harrabin
— 25 Oct 2017
"A good summary of BIOACID's key results. The information provided here is based on peer-reviewed scientific articles... I think these complex (and so far poorly understood) food w..
New York Times’ “straightforward answers” to common climate questions are accurate, too
in The New York Times, by Justin Gillis
— 28 Sep 2017
This article in The New York Times serves as a primer by briefly answering seventeen basic questions about the cause and consequences of—and possible solutions to—climate chang...