
Logan Berner
Assistant Research Professor, Northern Arizona University
Expertise: Forests, Ecology, Remote Sensing, Carbon Cycle
Hypothesis handle: logan.berner
Qualifying publication(s): see criteria
Article by The Daily Caller oversimplifies drivers of wildfires and downplays role of climate change
in The Daily Caller, by Chris White
— 28 Sep 2020
"The causes of the increase in burned area in the western US in recent decades – and the record-setting fires of 2020 – are complex, driven by a mix of a changing climate, a 10..
Breitbart article on California fires misleads by omitting explanation of climate’s influence
in Breitbart, by Joel Pollak
— 19 Dec 2017
"The Breitbart article provides a poorly reasoned and misleading view of how climate change has contributed to recent fires in California and the rest of the western USA. The most ..
Global Warming and fire suppression practices boost wildfires in the US West, as correctly reported in The Atlantic
in The Atlantic, by Robinson Meyer
— 11 Sep 2017
"The article provides an excellent summary of how rising air temperatures are leading to drier conditions and more fire activity among forests in parts of the western United States..