Andrew Shepherd

Professor, University of Leeds

Expertise: Earth Observation, Ice sheets, Sea level



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Telegraph article on climate change mixes accurate and unsupported, inaccurate claims, misleads with false balance

in The Telegraph, by Sarah Knapton

— 18 Oct 2019

"This article is a prime example of false equivalence, putting fringe figures side by side with mainstream scientific findings while failing to distinguish between their respective..

Story on congressman’s incorrect claims about sea level rise could have corrected them more explicitly

in Science Magazine, E&E News, by Scott Waldman

— 22 Jan 2019

"The comments from the members of the Committee suffer from severe inaccuracies and misconceptions, and citations of the invited climate scientist mostly address those issues. In ..

Guardian explores sea level rise impact on cities, but fails to make timescale clear

in The Guardian, by Jonathan Watts, Dom Phillips, Helen Roxburgh, Josh Holder, Justin McCurry, Niko Kommenda, Richard Luscombe, & Ruth Michaelson

— 09 Nov 2017

"This article provides an excellent visual of an unfortunately very likely general future for humanity, in which sea level rise slowly inundates many coastal cities ... However, on..


Ice cube meme misrepresents physics of sea level rise to claim melting ice has no effect

[Photo] A little science lesson for the #idiots at the global warming conference. Ice berg melts, ocean level remains the same.

SOURCE: Anonymous, Facebook

Published: 17 Dec 2019