Wall Street Journal article questions decades of scientific evidence demonstrating elevated atmospheric-CO2 causes global warming

We do not know if CO2 is the cause of global warming

SOURCE: Holman W. Jenkins Jr., Wall Street Journal

Published: 21 Nov 2023


No convincing evidence that offshore wind activities explain the increase in whale deaths off the U.S. East Coast despite claims of a proven link by offshore wind energy opponents

New documentary proves building offshore wind farms is responsible for the increase in whale deaths off the U.S. East Coast since 2016

SOURCE: Michael Shellenberger, New York Post

Published: 20 Oct 2023


Claim that current climate change can be explained satisfactorily by natural cycles and volcanic activity does not have scientific support

The cyclical activity of the Sun as well as other variations in solar and earth activity, and NOT anthropogenic CO2 emissions, are responsible for climate change

SOURCE: Social media user, Twitter

Published: 18 Sep 2023


CLINTEL group inaccurately represents climate science in its declaration of “no climate emergency” once again

Global warming is just the end of the Little Ice Age; Warming is slower than climate models forecasted; Carbon dioxide is beneficial to Earth; Global warming is not intensifying or increasing the frequency of natural disasters

SOURCE: Naveen Athrappully, The Epoch Times, Global Climate Intelligence Group (“CLINTEL”)

Published: 04 Sep 2023


Nearly three decades on, the chemtrail-HAARP geoengineering conspiracy theory remains popular despite lack of evidence and no scientific basis

Global weather is controlled by secret geoengineering programs using chemtrails and ionosphere heating facilities.

SOURCE: Facebook users, Facebook

Published: 31 Aug 2023


Magnetic poles reversals are not cataclysmic events as claimed in the ‘Adam and Eve’ theory discussed on Joe Rogan podcast

Magnetic poles reversals involve the Earth flipping vertically and momentarily stopping its rotation, causing cataclysmic events during 6 days.

SOURCE: Joe Rogan & Jimmy Corsetti, TikTok & Spotify

Published: 14 Jun 2023


Temperatures on Earth are increasing and the rise is drastically outpacing previous natural changes in the planet’s climate

“We have been cooling down for the past 4000 years”; the Earth has cooled since the ‘medieval warming’, “It’s all about when you start the measurements”

SOURCE: Ian Plimer, Media Research Center

Published: 15 May 2023


The Antarctic’s ice coverage is not increasing to record levels, nor is the continent getting colder, contrary to Curry and Easterbrook claims in CFACT movie

Antarctic sea-ice extent is increasing to record levels. Antarctica is getting colder; its sea ice and ice cap are not melting

SOURCE: Judith Curry and Don Easterbrook, CFACT

Published: 28 Apr 2023


The strands of cloud seen behind aeroplanes are trails of condensed water known as contrails, they are not chemtrails as some believe

Chemtrails contain toxic substances such as barium salts that are 10 thousand times more toxic to your nervous system than lead

SOURCE: William Deagle, Facebook

Published: 06 Apr 2023


Pre-human changes in climate do not negate contemporary human influence on modern warming, contrary to implication in popular Instagram post

Climate changed naturally in prehistoric eras, modern climate change is a naturally occurring phenomenon

SOURCE: Social media user, Instagram

Published: 23 Jan 2023