NOAA shows clear global warming trends over the past 58 years based on radiosonde data

“The 58 year net gain of global temperature is zero. We are simply in a cyclical, normal ebb and flow of temperature.”

SOURCE: Facebook users, Facebook

Published: 05 Feb 2021


PragerU post by Happer uses flawed reasoning to claim that climate models always fail

"climate models that attempt to predict the future temperature of the planet...don’t work. They haven’t worked in the past. They don’t work now."; "the number of factors that influence climate—the sun, the earth’s orbital properties, oceans, clouds, and, yes, industrial man—is huge and enormously variable"; "CO2 is a minor contributor to the warming of the earth"

SOURCE: William Happer, PragerU

Published: 27 Jan 2021


Rates of global sea level rise have accelerated since 1900, contrary to bloggers’ claims

“there has not been a long-term distinctive change in sea level rise rates in the last 120 years”

SOURCE: Pierre L. Gosselin, Kenneth Richard, NoTricksZone, Watts Up With That?

Published: 15 Jan 2021


Video advertising “Powersave” device is misleading and makes impossible home power savings claims

A young whizkid [...] invented a device that cuts 50% off an average home’s power bill


Published: 27 Dec 2020


Scientific studies established clear links between human-caused increased in atmospheric CO2 and global warming

“It’s a good thing that we are putting some more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The scientific method has not been applied in such a way as to prove that carbon dioxide is causing the Earth to warm.”

SOURCE: Patrick Moore, Instagram

Published: 18 Dec 2020


The clothing industry produces 3 to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, as accurately claimed in Patagonia post

“The clothing industry contributes up to 10% of the pollution driving the climate crisis.”

SOURCE: Patagonia, Instagram

Published: 06 Dec 2020


The Earth is a sphere that rotates on its axis and revolves around the Sun, contrary to Flat Earth video

“The Earth is not a globe. The Earth is stationary.”

SOURCE: Amber Plaster, Flat Earth

Published: 27 Nov 2020


Brush rake attachments are primarily used to pile up heavy forest debris as part of active thinning, harvesting, and removal projects

“this is [...] a brush rake. It's used for clearing underbrush and debris from the forest floor that builds up and creates fuel for wild fires. Now you can stop looking stupid trying to make fun of Trump telling California to rake the forest.”

SOURCE: Facebook users, Facebook

Published: 04 Nov 2020


Sea ice loss due to climate change is the biggest threat to polar bear survival and has already led to declines in some polar bear subpopulations, contrary to “Climate Realism” video message

“In 1950, there were around 10,000 polar bears globally. Today, polar bear populations are near 39,000. Polar bear populations are increasing dramatically as the planet has warmed.”

SOURCE: Andy Singer, Climate Realism, Heartland Institute

Published: 29 Oct 2020


Climate change can make it harder for the Amazon rainforest to grow back from deforestation, but that does not mean 40% of it will now turn into a savanna

“Amazon near tipping point of switching from rainforest to savannah”

SOURCE: Fiona Harvey, The Guardian

Published: 14 Oct 2020