Missing context: Investigations revealed that the tire dump fires in Kuwait were likely acts of arson. Without this context, these social media posts can mislead viewers to believe the fires are an intentional process performed at the dump site, and therefore an ongoing source of emissions. Global production of cattle, however, is an ongoing – and much larger and potent – source of greenhouse gas emissions.

CLAIM: In 2021, 42 million tires were burned in a ‘tire graveyard’ in Kuwait producing emissions that dwarfed the emissions from cows [cattle], yet cow farts are blamed for climate change.
On 23 November 2024, a video was posted on instagram with striking footage of a large field of burning tires and billowing plumes of black smoke. The video gathered over 239,000 likes after claiming that the smoke from burning these tires impacts Earth’s climate more than methane (CH4) emissions produced by cows (cattle). However, this isn’t the first time this footage was used to make claims about climate change. A video posted on TikTok in July 2023 shared footage of this event and claimed that tire burning in Kuwait influences climate change more than emissions from cattle. However, in that video they mention carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions instead of methane.
Investigations suggest the fires at the Salmi tire dump were criminal acts, not part of normal operations
Despite sharing the same footage, the information from these videos doesn’t match. Not only do the videos mention different types of greenhouse gases, but they also report very different numbers of tires that were burned: one video claimed it was 7 million tires, and the other, 42 million. In this review, we will clear up the details of this event and see how its climate change influence compares to methane emissions produced by cattle. Footage of this event showed billowing clouds of dark smoke rising from a vast field of burning tires, but details about the event didn’t match up between social media posts. So what actually happened? By searching keywords from the instagram video, Science Feedback found a report on the event by global news outlet France 24 (linked here). France 24 reported that on 29 April 2021, a fire broke out in the Salmi tire dump – a vast open landfill in the Kuwait desert that stores an estimated 60 million tires. According to a report of this event, the Salmi site (Figure 1) is considered the world’s largest tire dump and spans roughly 3 square kilometers (km2).
Evaluation of the ‘worst-case scenario’ greenhouse gas emissions from tire fires in Kuwait
Regardless of what caused these fires, they still have negative environmental consequences. As explained by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), burning tires can emit air pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), benzene, styrene, phenols, and butadiene. Air pollution from these tires is an obvious negative outcome for humans and the environment, but what role do these burning tires play in climate change? According to the Kuwait Times report, three fires were reported at the Salmi dump in 2021. The April 2021 fire – featured in recent social media videos – was extinguished after 7 hours. Both Kuwait Times and Arab Times, another local news outlet, reported that the area affected by the fire was 40,000 square meters, which is roughly 1.3 percent of the total dump area. The exact number of burned tires was not reported, making it difficult to quantify the exact emissions from this event. Instead, if we greatly overestimate the number of tires burned, some easy calculations will show if a ‘worst-case scenario’ fire at the Salmi dump would produce emissions that are even remotely comparable to what cattle emit each year. It is well-established that burning tires releases greenhouse gases – molecules which absorb and reemit radiation causing Earth to warm. Scientists have analyzed the types and quantities of greenhouse gases released from burning tires. Using this data, we can estimate greenhouse gas emissions from this event and compare it to those produced annually by cattle. Again, Science Feedback did not find the exact number of tires that were burned, but the number is less than 60 million tires – the total number at the site – as indicated by news reports of the total affected area, which was roughly 1.3% of the dump site. So to calculate the worst-case scenario, we will assume in the calculations that all 60 million tires at the site are being burned and converted to CO2 – the primary driver of recent global warming[1] and the bulk majority of the gas that’s produced when a tire burns, according to tire combustion studies[2]. This calculation is shown in Figure 2 below.
The value for CO2 released from a burning tire was obtained from Downard et al. (2015)[2]. This value is 2,890 grams of CO2 produced per kg of tire burned (or 2.89 kg/kg). Note that, somewhat counterintuitively, combustion can produce byproducts that are heavier than the original material. For example, when CO2 is created from burning tires, the O2 portion – two oxygen atoms – are pulled from the surrounding air and the carbon (C) comes from the tires. So, because combustion takes some mass from the tire and some from the air, the final product is heavier than tire material alone.
Other gases are released in smaller quantities but the contributions are negligible given the gross overestimation of tires being burned, and thus the gross overestimation of greenhouse gas emissions.
Cattle methane emissions have a greater impact on Earth’s climate than fires at the Salmi tire dump in Kuwait So how does this compare to cattle emissions? According to the U.S. EPA, cattle produce roughly 104 million metric tons of methane globally each year. This is 67 times more greenhouse gas (by mass) than what the worst-case scenario fire could emit at the Salmi dump site (Figure 2). And that comparison alone is actually an understatement because it does not account for methane’s potency as a greenhouse gas. As explained by the U.S. EPA: “Though CO2 is more abundant and stays in our atmosphere longer, methane is more damaging. In fact, as a greenhouse gas, methane is 28-times more powerful than CO2 on a 100-year timescale and 80-times more powerful over 20 years.” Cattle produce methane gas because they have what are called ‘ruminant digestive systems’, which ferment the foods they eat and produce gas. Most of this gas is emitted through belching (burping) – a detail that was missed in the claim-making social media videos which suggested that ‘cow farts’ are blamed for climate change. For many reasons – such as not seeing them in our daily lives if we live in urban areas – it’s easy to mistakenly ignore cows as an important source of greenhouse gas emissions. However, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) explains that emissions from cattle are significant because they exist in high numbers in many countries and have a high rate of methane production[3]. In summary, even with a hypothetical scenario in which every single tire at the Salmi dump burns, the greenhouse gas emissions would be roughly 67 times less (by mass) than those produced by cattle. Additionally, by mass, methane – one of the main greenhouse gases that cattle produce – is more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2 in terms of its ability to warm Earth (Figure 3).

- 1 – IPCC (2023) Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report.
- 2 – Downard et al. (2015) Uncontrolled combustion of shredded tires in a landfill – Part 1: Characterization of gaseous and particulate emissions. Atmospheric Environment.
- 3 – IPCC (2007) Climate Change 2007: Fourth Assessment Report.
- 4 – IPCC (2021). Sixth Assessment Report.
13 January 2024: This review was updated with a more precise explanation that methane is one of the main greenhouse gases produced by cattle.