Here’s what we know about how climate change impacts hurricanes – and what we don’t

The uncertainty surrounding how hurricane frequency could change as the climate warms has been brought up in claims seeking to undermine climate change’s impact on hurricanes. These claims are examples of straw man arguments: noting that climate change may not lead to a higher number of hurricanes in the future does not mean that climate change has had – or will have – no impact on hurricanes at all.

Different parts of the planet warm more quickly than others. That doesn’t mean climate change isn’t happening.

If you’re even a casual consumer of climate news, you probably know that some parts of the globe are warming more rapidly than others. Scientists have known for years, for instance, that the Arctic is heating up at a faster clip than the global average, and recently, the region made headlines after a study showed that the northernmost reaches of our planet are warming four times faster than the rest of the Earth.

Letter stating there is “no climate emergency” repeats inaccurate claims about climate science

Scientific evidence shows that climate change is driven by human activities, as recognized by the world’s authoritative scientific bodies such as the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the U.K. Royal Society. These scientific bodies, composed of experts in the field of climate science, have concluded that climate change is predominantly driven by human emissions of greenhouse gases. The “World Climate Declaration” group, largely composed of non-experts, relies on several inaccurate claims about the science to arrive at an alternative conclusion.

Warming of Earth’s surface and oceans continues apace, contrary to claims in blog

Global warming has been a persistent signal in all relevant climate datasets from ~1960 to present. The 1998 to 2012 interval has received attention by climate contrarians due to an apparent warming slowdown in surface temperature datasets, which may be due to a combination of natural and internal variability as specifically noted in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment Report. However, warming did occur throughout this interval and continues to the present day as shown in measurements of surface temperature, ocean heat content, glacier melt and sea-level rise.

Water scarcity in a changing climate: will drought get worse with warming?

“The thing to remember is that drought is a very complex phenomenon. For one, drought is not just precipitation. Drought is also soil moisture and streamflow. This is an important distinction, because it means that other processes that may be affected by climate change (e.g., evaporation) can play a role in increasing drought, even if precipitation does not change.”

Solar forcing is not the main cause of current global warming, contrary to claim by Alex Newman in the Epoch Times

The changes in solar irradiance effects on climate have a very small influence compared to the greenhouse effect induced by CO2 emissions since the preindustrial era. Ideas, methods and data sets used by scientists to study the various climate drivers are frequently discussed in the scientific literature and in the IPCC reports. This in-depth work allows the scientific community to agree that solar variation doesn’t have any influence on the climate change observed in the last decades.

Sea ice loss due to climate change is the biggest threat to polar bear survival and has already led to declines in some polar bear subpopulations, contrary to “Climate Realism” video message

Loss of sea ice habitat caused by climate change is the most important threat to the long term survival of polar bears. Of the 19 subpopulations of polar bears, two have already experienced declines due to losses in sea ice. It is difficult to estimate trends in the global polar bear population; however, trends at the subpopulation level from 2019 show that four subpopulations declined, five were stable, and only two increased.