Benjamin Horton

Professor, Earth Observatory of Singapore

Expertise: Past and Future sea level changes



 hypothesis  Orcid ID

hypothesis   Hypothesis handle: bphorton

Qualifying publication(s): see criteria





Breitbart article baselessly claims a study of past climate invalidates human-caused climate change

in Breitbart, by John Nolte

— 11 Apr 2019

"By the reasoning of this article, if a rock rolled down a hill three million years ago, no human can be responsible for rolling a rock down a hill today. The fallaciousness of thi..

Story on congressman’s incorrect claims about sea level rise could have corrected them more explicitly

in Science Magazine, E&E News, by Scott Waldman

— 22 Jan 2019

"The comments from the members of the Committee suffer from severe inaccuracies and misconceptions, and citations of the invited climate scientist mostly address those issues. In ..

Wall Street Journal commentary grossly misleads readers about science of sea level rise

in The Wall Street Journal, by Fred Singer

— 18 May 2018

"The article has almost nothing to do with the modern state of sea-level science. The author tries to call into question that global warming causes sea-level rise, and does so by c..

New satellite measurements show sea level rise is accelerating, as CNN accurately reports

in CNN, by Brandon Miller

— 15 Feb 2018

"Global geological sea-level data, data from tide gauge and now satellite data all show that the rate of sea level rise is accelerating. These accelerations in sea level is a cause..

IFLScience story on Florida sea level rise somewhat unclear but generally correct

in IFLScience, by Robin Andrews

— 16 Jan 2018

"While the information in this article is essentially correct, the links lead to loosely related articles published on the same website, rather than articles that directly support ..

New York Times’ “straightforward answers” to common climate questions are accurate, too

in The New York Times, by Justin Gillis

— 28 Sep 2017

This article in The New York Times serves as a primer by briefly answering seventeen basic questions about the cause and consequences of—and possible solutions to—climate chang...

Scientists explain what New York Magazine article on “The Uninhabitable Earth” gets wrong

in New York Magazine, by David Wallace-Wells

— 12 Jul 2017

"While it is clear that ongoing warming of the global climate would eventually have very severe consequences, the concept of the Earth becoming uninhabitable within anywhere near t..

New York Times series accurately describes research on Antarctic ice sheets and sea level rise, but highlights uncertain studies

in The New York Times, by Justin Gillis

— 23 May 2017

"Generally scientifically sound, but caution should be displayed before basing discussion solely on a single modeling study, especially when it incorporates fundamentally different..

Analysis of “Miami’s fight against rising seas”

in BBC, by Amanda Ruggeri

— 07 Apr 2017

"The information in this story is generally correct—the frequency and severity of flooding is accelerating due to sea level rise, and the quoted scientists from NOAA and FAU are ..

Analysis of “Stunning new data indicates El Nino drove record highs in global temperatures…”

in Daily Mail, by David Rose

— 02 Dec 2016

This is an incredibly misleading article. It cherry picks a dataset taking measurements 2 miles up in the atmosphere only over land areas that disagrees with the other two datasets...


Rates of global sea level rise have accelerated since 1900, contrary to bloggers’ claims

“there has not been a long-term distinctive change in sea level rise rates in the last 120 years”

SOURCE: Pierre L. Gosselin, Kenneth Richard, NoTricksZone, Watts Up With That?

Published: 15 Jan 2021


Global data contradict claim of no acceleration in sea level rise

The long-term tide gauge datasets are all in agreement that there is no acceleration

SOURCE: Willis Eschenbach, Watts Up With That?

Published: 01 Apr 2020


Sea levels rose faster in the past century than in previous time periods

Sea level rise has been slow and a constant, pre-dating industrialization

SOURCE: Thomas Lifson, American Thinker

Published: 12 Mar 2020


Sea levels have risen throughout the 20th century, contrary to claim in online articles

Scientists were caught 'adjusting' sea level data to create false impression of rising oceans

SOURCE: Vicki Batts, James Delingpole, Signs of the Times, Breitbart

Published: 20 Feb 2020


Global sea level rise is accelerating, despite Heartland Institute report’s claims otherwise

Best available data show sea-level rise is not accelerating. Local and regional sea levels continue to exhibit typical natural variability—in some places rising and in others falling.

SOURCE: Craig Idso, Robert Carter, S. Fred Singer, Heartland Institute

Published: 08 May 2017


Sea level rise is accelerating, and with it the risk associated with coastal storm surge, contrary to claim in Forbes

Sea level rise, which was occurring long before humans could be blamed, has not accelerated.

SOURCE: Roy Spencer, Forbes

Published: 01 Nov 2016


Sea level could rise by as much as 1 or 2 meters (3.3-6.6 feet) by the year 2100

Sea level rise could reach six or seven feet by the year 2100.

SOURCE: Justin Gillis, The New York Times

Published: 06 Sep 2016