
Jan Lenaerts
Assistant Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder
Expertise: Climate models, Polar climate, Ice sheets, Meteorology
Hypothesis handle: lenae101
Qualifying publication(s): see criteria
Grist article on an “Ice Apocalypse” mostly accurate, but doesn’t make the likelihood of that apocalypse clear enough to readers
in Grist, by Eric Holthaus
— 28 Nov 2017
"The article has a bias, emphasizing the high end scenarios of ice sheet behavior, avoiding scrutiny of model assumptions. The concept of marine ice cliff instability and how unusu..
Guardian explores sea level rise impact on cities, but fails to make timescale clear
in The Guardian, by Jonathan Watts, Dom Phillips, Helen Roxburgh, Josh Holder, Justin McCurry, Niko Kommenda, Richard Luscombe, & Ruth Michaelson
— 09 Nov 2017
"This article provides an excellent visual of an unfortunately very likely general future for humanity, in which sea level rise slowly inundates many coastal cities ... However, on..
New York Times series accurately describes research on Antarctic ice sheets and sea level rise, but highlights uncertain studies
in The New York Times, by Justin Gillis
— 23 May 2017
"Generally scientifically sound, but caution should be displayed before basing discussion solely on a single modeling study, especially when it incorporates fundamentally different..
The Daily Wire makes wild claims about climate change based on no evidence
in The Daily Wire, by Joseph Curl
— 09 May 2017
"The article contains little to no rational treatment of observational data, but relies on heavily biased secondhand interpretation... Even the title is based on a lie. There is no..
The Telegraph publishes false information about Arctic climate
in The Telegraph, by Christopher Booker
— 09 May 2017
"This article suffers from a common error in reasoning. The author focuses on individual “snapshots” of the state of the climate while ignoring the long-term trends. Those tren..
Analysis of “Amid higher global temperatures, sea ice at record lows at poles”
in CNN, by Brandon Miller
— 24 Nov 2016
"Well outlined and balanced article, describing the evident link between low sea ice and climate warming and the melt-albedo feedback, but also mentioning the role of weather and s..
Analysis of “Environmental records shattered as climate change ‘plays out before us'”
in The Guardian, by Oliver Milman
— 05 Aug 2016
The article summarizes the main findings of the “2015 state of the climate” report published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Overall it accurately repor...
Analysis of “Updated NASA Data: Global Warming Not Causing Any Polar Ice Retreat”
in Forbes, by James Taylor
— 29 Oct 2015
"This article discusses land and sea ice interchangebly and appears to confuse the two. This is a fundamental error, equivalent in other fields to confusing house and senate, or an..
Analysis of “Wake up, Obama, climate change has been happening forever”
in New York Post, by Betsy McCaughey
— 10 Sep 2015
"the evidence of accelerating glacier melt and retreat in response to manmade warming is crystal clear. Any other conclusion is willfully ignoring the data, the facts, and the conc..
Heartland Institute report incorrectly claims no evidence of human impacts in melting ice
Melting of Arctic sea ice and polar icecaps is not occurring at ‘unnatural’ rates and does not constitute evidence of a human impact on the climate.
SOURCE: Craig Idso, Robert Carter, S. Fred Singer, Heartland Institute
Published: 17 May 2017