
Jean-François Exbrayat
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, The University of Edinburgh
Expertise: Terrestrial biogeochemistry, Land surface modelling
Hypothesis handle: jfexbrayat
Qualifying publication(s): see criteria
Analysis of “Thanks to climate change, the Arctic is turning green”
in The Washington Post, by Chris Mooney
— 04 Jul 2016
"The article reports about recent evidence that terrestrial ecosystems are 'greening' in response to human activities, principally the increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration. The..
Analysis* of Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si
in Vatican.va, by Pope Francis
— 22 Jun 2015
"The evidence presented in support of the anthropogenic footprint of environmental problems in general and climate change in particular was overall accurate and relevant. "
In CNN interview, William Happer misleads about the impact of rising carbon dioxide on plant life
there's this myth that's developed around carbon dioxide that it's a pollutant […] Carbon dioxide is a perfectly natural gas, it’s just like water vapor, it’s something that plants love.
SOURCE: William Happer, CNN
Published: 25 Apr 2017