
Keven Roy
Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University
Expertise: Sea level change and variability, Climate dynamics
Hypothesis handle: KevenRoy
Qualifying publication(s): see criteria
Story on congressman’s incorrect claims about sea level rise could have corrected them more explicitly
in Science Magazine, E&E News, by Scott Waldman
— 22 Jan 2019
"The comments from the members of the Committee suffer from severe inaccuracies and misconceptions, and citations of the invited climate scientist mostly address those issues.
In ..
Wall Street Journal commentary grossly misleads readers about science of sea level rise
in The Wall Street Journal, by Fred Singer
— 18 May 2018
"The article has almost nothing to do with the modern state of sea-level science. The author tries to call into question that global warming causes sea-level rise, and does so by c..
New satellite measurements show sea level rise is accelerating, as CNN accurately reports
in CNN, by Brandon Miller
— 15 Feb 2018
"Global geological sea-level data, data from tide gauge and now satellite data all show that the rate of sea level rise is accelerating. These accelerations in sea level is a cause..
Analysis of “Environmental records shattered as climate change ‘plays out before us'”
in The Guardian, by Oliver Milman
— 05 Aug 2016
The article summarizes the main findings of the “2015 state of the climate” report published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Overall it accurately repor...
Analysis of “Earth heading for ‘mini ice age’ within 15 years”
in The Telegraph, by Dan Hyde
— 30 Jul 2015
"The whole argument in the article rests on the incorrect myth that the Maunder minimum caused a "mini ice age" and uses that name to draw specious implications and conclusions.
Analysis of “9 questions on rising seas”
in CNN, by John Sutter
— 12 May 2015
"This article does a very good job at presenting the main aspects of sea level rise and how it will impact coastal regions..."