
Peter Thorne
Professor, Maynooth University
Expertise: Temperature datasets, Climatology
Hypothesis handle: peterthorne
Qualifying publication(s): see criteria
Telegraph article on climate change mixes accurate and unsupported, inaccurate claims, misleads with false balance
in The Telegraph, by Sarah Knapton
— 18 Oct 2019
"This article is a prime example of false equivalence, putting fringe figures side by side with mainstream scientific findings while failing to distinguish between their respective..
USA Today story updates readers on trend in monthly global temperatures
in USA Today, by Doyle Rice
— 14 Jan 2019
"The piece accurately reports the surface temperature record warming of recent decades and joins the dots appropriately to the underlying cause of human emissions. It appropriately..
Investor’s Business Daily editorial misrepresents study to claim plants will prevent dangerous climate change
in Investors' Business Daily, by Anonymous
— 12 Apr 2018
"Our nitrogen study does not detract from the urgency of the climate problem, nor the unequivocal evidence of the role of carbon pollution in causing global climate change. The cli..
Breitbart article falsely claims that measured global warming has been “fabricated”
in Breitbart, by James Delingpole
— 11 Jul 2017
"In a cursory attempt at both reporting and climate science, the author glibly highlights a document heavy on accusation and light on reasoned engagement with fact. Implying nefari..
NOAA does not fraudulently adjust data to create the illusion of a global warming trend
Using complex statistical models, [NOAA] change[s] the data to reflect not reality, but their underlying theories of global warming.
SOURCE: Anonymous, Investor's Business Daily
Published: 19 Feb 2020

Breitbart repeats blogger’s unsupported claim that NOAA manipulates data to exaggerate warming
NOAA has adjusted past temperatures to look colder than they were and recent temperatures to look warmer than they were.
SOURCE: James Delingpole, Breitbart
Published: 23 Feb 2018

Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott wrongly claims Australia has warmed far less than data show
unadjusted data suggests that temperatures in Australia have only increased by 0.3 degrees over the past century, not the 1 degree usually claimed
SOURCE: Tony Abbott, Global Warming Policy Foundation
Published: 11 Oct 2017

Daily Mail inflates data handling disagreement between scientists; makes unsupported “manipulation” accusation
world leaders were duped into investing billions over manipulated global warming data
SOURCE: David Rose, Daily Mail
Published: 06 Feb 2017