A global network of scientists fact-checking climate change news

Climate Feedback is a worldwide network of scientists who collectively assess the credibility of influential climate change media coverage.


Our mission

Our first mission is to help Internet users—from the general public to influential decision-makers—distinguish inaccurate climate change narratives from scientifically sound and trustworthy information in the media. We also provide feedback to editors about the credibility of information published in their outlets.

Our mission is pedagogical: we strive to explain whether and why information is or is not consistent with the science. We are nonpartisan and apply the same methodology to claims made in a variety of media, as well as exposing both the claims that exaggerate or downplay the consequences of climate change. We believe it is scientists’ civic duty to better inform our fellow citizens in our area of expertise.


Who we are

Each of our reviewers holds a Ph.D. and has recently published articles in top-tier peer-reviewed science journals. They are asked to conform to high quality community standards to contribute to our analyses.


What we do

We invite scientists with relevant expertise to use web-annotation to mark up climate change media articles, adding contextual information and highlighting factual inaccuracies and faulty reasoning where they exist.

To complete the analysis, scientists evaluate articles and provide a credibility score based on accuracy, logic, objectivity, and factual precision; giving readers an overall guide to the scientific credibility of the article.

Climate Feedback editors provide a clearly stated summary of the scientists’ comments. We call these analyses ‘Scientific Feedbacks’. All Feedbacks are archived on our site, creating a useful resource for anyone to easily compare and contrast the credibility of different news sources and promoting the most reliable sources of information and insightful journalism.


Beyond fact-checking

Climate Feedback is paving the way for a new kind of fact-checking, crowdsourced directly among scientists with relevant expertise, providing in-depth analysis on a whole article, as well as “fact-checking” a number of claims at once.

Beyond checking the facts, special attention is given to checking the quality of the logic and reasoning to analyze and expose logical flaws and rhetorical manipulation.


A trusted reference on climate information credibility

Climate Feedback has been featured in many respected news outlets, here and abroad.

Below is a list of just some of those who have relied on Climate Feedback analyses to ask for better standards of reporting:

Climate Nexus – Members of The UK House of Lords – The Niksanen Center – The Washington Post – and more.

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Partners and Funders

Climate Feedback is supported primarily by volunteers and individual donors.

We are working in partnership with other organizations and academic institutions:


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