
Andreas Klocker
Physical Oceanographer, University of Tasmania
Expertise: Physical Oceanography
Hypothesis handle: aklocker
Qualifying publication(s): see criteria
ABC article effectively illustrates important climate trends for Australian readers
in Australian Broadcasting Company, by Tim Leslie, Joshua Byrd, Nathan Hoad
— 11 Dec 2019
"This article is exceptionally good in delivering accurate information in an engaging way. There are many useful statements made about the effects of climate change on extreme weat..
Analysis of “…in many ways global warming will be a good thing”
in The Telegraph, by Bjorn Lomborg
— 09 May 2016
"This article presents a highly biased view of global warming, only presenting the “positive” aspects of it. As the author is criticizing media doing the opposite (always showi..
Analysis of “Deceptive temperature record claims”
in The Washington Times, by Tom Harris
— 28 Aug 2015
"Scientists unanimously qualify this article as misleading and in disagreement with elementary science.
Analysis* of Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si
in Vatican.va, by Pope Francis
— 22 Jun 2015
"The evidence presented in support of the anthropogenic footprint of environmental problems in general and climate change in particular was overall accurate and relevant. "
Analysis of “2014 Breaks Heat Record, Challenging Global Warming Skeptics”
in The New York Times, by Justin Gillis
— 29 Jan 2015
"This article does a good job of putting the 2014 temperature record in context with quotes from experts and good descriptions of relevant issues such as El Nino."