
Andreas Schmittner
Associate Professor, Oregon State University
Expertise: Climate Modeling
Hypothesis handle: andreass
Qualifying publication(s): see criteria
Analysis of “Why are climate-change models so flawed? Because climate science is so incomplete”
in The Boston Globe, by Jeff Jacoby
— 16 Mar 2017
"The facts given by the author regarding the skills of climate models and the state of the art are mostly wrong. The most important processes are not understood by the author and h..
Analysis of “About Those Non-Disappearing Pacific Islands”
in The Wall Street Journal, by Bjorn Lomborg
— 17 Oct 2016
"This article is very interesting because it exemplifies a highly-misleading rhetorical practice that is effective, frequently used, but not easily recognized by the public: "palte..
Analysis of “2015 Was Not Even Close To Hottest Year On Record”
in Forbes, by James Taylor
— 22 Jan 2016
"This article makes startlingly inaccurate claims about the earth’s surface and satellite temperature records, as well as attempts to ascertain the earth’s temperatures over th..
Analysis of “2015 Was Hottest Year in Historical Record, Scientists Say”
in The New York Times, by Justin Gillis
— 21 Jan 2016
The article accurately covers the news that the global surface temperature of the planet in 2015 has set a new record, well above any previous measurement.
Analysis of “Wake up, Obama, climate change has been happening forever”
in New York Post, by Betsy McCaughey
— 10 Sep 2015
"the evidence of accelerating glacier melt and retreat in response to manmade warming is crystal clear. Any other conclusion is willfully ignoring the data, the facts, and the conc..
Analysis of “Deceptive temperature record claims”
in The Washington Times, by Tom Harris
— 28 Aug 2015
"Scientists unanimously qualify this article as misleading and in disagreement with elementary science.
Analysis of “The Point of No Return: Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here”
in Rolling Stone, by Eric Holthaus
— 12 Aug 2015
"The article rightly communicates the urgency and seriousness of human-induced climate change, [...] However, by the title, subtitle, and overall framing, it is likely to give an i..
Analysis of “How Arctic ice has made fools of all those poor warmists”
in The Telegraph, by Christopher Booker
— 31 Jul 2015
"This "take" on Arctic sea-ice changes, and more generally polar ice evolution, is highly inaccurate and totally misleading. The authors goes to great lengths to try to convince re..
Boston Globe column claims that climate models have consistently failed based on no evidence
Climate projections using models based on it [the water vapor feedback] have consistently failed
SOURCE: Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe
Published: 16 Mar 2017

Claim in New Scientist that humans are responsible for over 100% of warming is mostly correct
more than 100 per cent of the warming over the past century is due to human actions
SOURCE: Michael Le Page, New Scientist
Published: 11 Mar 2017