
Playing semantics, misleading Breitbart article downplays US contribution to climate change
in Breitbart, by Thomas D. Williams
— 06 Jun 2017
"This whole post is based on semantics and basically one big strawman fallacy. The author is deliberately confusing air pollution from suspended particulate matter (as discussed in..
Analysis of “Scientists say human greenhouse gas emissions have canceled the next ice age”
in The Washington Post, by Chris Mooney
— 18 Jan 2016
"The article presents an accurate account of recently published research which suggests that human-induced global warming will delay the onset of the next ice age by 50,000 years. ..
Analysis of “How Hurricane Patricia became the strongest hurricane on record so quickly”
in Mashable, by Andrew Freedman
— 27 Oct 2015
"A well written and balanced article that draws on a range of scientific opinion from well-established climate scientists, hurricane specialists and forecasters. The article provid..