
Joeri Rogelj
Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Expertise: Climate change, Integrated assessment, Emissions scenarios
Hypothesis handle: jrogelj
Qualifying publication(s): see criteria
Article in The Guardian misleads readers about sensitivity of climate models by narrowly focusing on single study
in The Guardian, by Jonathan Watts
— 18 Jun 2020
"The article correctly reports that the most recent versions of some climate models estimate more warming for a given increase in CO2 concentrations. It is also correct in highligh..
BBC article on IPCC report is mostly accurate, but could use some clarification
in BBC, by Matt McGrath
— 21 Jan 2019
"Scientifically, the article is overall correct, but it is in cases inaccurate in its description of certain aspects of the IPCC. For example, the IPCC does not conduct research, b..
New York Times’ “straightforward answers” to common climate questions are accurate, too
in The New York Times, by Justin Gillis
— 28 Sep 2017
This article in The New York Times serves as a primer by briefly answering seventeen basic questions about the cause and consequences of—and possible solutions to—climate chang...
YouTube video falsely claims that climate models systematically over-estimated warming and that we are heading towards an ice age
"The official observed temperatures are coming consistently below the scary global warming numbers"; "Melting polar ice triggers ice age"
SOURCE: Ben Davidson, Suspicious0bservers
Published: 27 May 2021

Rick Perry’s claim that US is “leading the world” in emission cuts is misleading
I think about all the 194 [countries] that signed onto the Paris accord, the U.S. is the one that's leading the world in reducing emissions
SOURCE: Rick Perry, Fox News
Published: 20 Aug 2019