
Eric Guilyardi
CNRS Research Director, Université Pierre et Marie Curie & Professor, University of Reading
Expertise: El Niño, Climate Predictability
Hypothesis handle: eguilyardi
Qualifying publication(s): see criteria
2017 is on track to be among the hottest year recorded, scientists are not as surprised as ThinkProgress article suggests
in Think Progress, by Joe Romm
— 21 Jul 2017
The scientists who have reviewed the article confirm it accurately reports that 2017 is on track to being one of the warmest years on record. Reviewers note this wasn’t as unexpe...
Analysis of “…in many ways global warming will be a good thing”
in The Telegraph, by Bjorn Lomborg
— 09 May 2016
"This article presents a highly biased view of global warming, only presenting the “positive” aspects of it. As the author is criticizing media doing the opposite (always showi..
Analysis of “2015 Was Not Even Close To Hottest Year On Record”
in Forbes, by James Taylor
— 22 Jan 2016
"This article makes startlingly inaccurate claims about the earth’s surface and satellite temperature records, as well as attempts to ascertain the earth’s temperatures over th..
Analysis of “2015 Was Hottest Year in Historical Record, Scientists Say”
in The New York Times, by Justin Gillis
— 21 Jan 2016
The article accurately covers the news that the global surface temperature of the planet in 2015 has set a new record, well above any previous measurement.
Analysis of “El Niño, explained: Why this year’s could be one of the strongest on record”
in Vox, by Brad Plumer
— 21 Aug 2015
"This is a great article on the current El Niño and explainer on how El Niños often affect global climate, as well as regional climates around the world... A nice explainer from ..
Global warming has not “ceased”, as Heartland Institute report falsely claims
global warming ceased around the end of the twentieth century and was followed (since 1997) by 19 years of stable temperature
SOURCE: Craig Idso, Robert Carter, S. Fred Singer, Heartland Institute
Published: 29 May 2017