
Popular “Friends of Science” video promoted by Youtube presents long list of climate myths
in Friends of Science, YouTube, by Steve Goreham
— 21 Dec 2018
"The video presents a litany of the usual climate denier talking points, none of which hold any water. It is full of outright false claims and does not even shy away from presentin..
Analysis of “Next year or the year after, the Arctic will be free of ice”
in The Guardian, by Robin McKie
— 25 Aug 2016
"before propagating a marginal view, one should ensure having a very strong argumentation; in this interview no argumentation is put forward to support Peter Wadhams’ central cla..
Analysis of “Disasters like Louisiana floods will worsen as planet warms, scientists warn”
in The Guardian, by Oliver Milman
— 18 Aug 2016
"this article does a good job reporting on the recent floods in Lousiana and, more generally, the climate-change-induced changes in the water cycle that underlie scientists' concer..
Analysis of “Environmental records shattered as climate change ‘plays out before us'”
in The Guardian, by Oliver Milman
— 05 Aug 2016
The article summarizes the main findings of the “2015 state of the climate” report published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Overall it accurately repor...
Analysis of “What science can tell us about the links between global warming and massive heat waves”
in The Washington Post, by Chris Mooney
— 26 Jul 2016
"This is a well-written article that provides a good overall discussion around the connection between climate change and the ongoing US heat wave. In the absence of a specific even..
Analysis of “An Overheated Climate Alarm”
in The Wall Street Journal, by Bjorn Lomborg
— 11 Apr 2016
"Lomborg is using scientific ‘language’ to suggest that climate change will have insignificant health impacts; this goes against a vast body of evidence. The notion that benefi..
Analysis of “Seas Are Rising at Fastest Rate in Last 28 Centuries”
in The New York Times, by Justin Gillis
— 25 Feb 2016
Justin Gillis reports on new results showing that the current rate of sea level rise is unprecedented in a record dating back 2,000 years. The article explains that this rise is at...
Analysis of “The Climate Snow Job”
in The Wall Street Journal, by Patrick Michaels
— 26 Jan 2016
"This article is indeed a snow job, as the title implies. The author has twisted the facts and distorted the science wildly. The author is well known for his wildly inaccurate clim..
Analysis of “2015 Was Hottest Year in Historical Record, Scientists Say”
in The New York Times, by Justin Gillis
— 21 Jan 2016
The article accurately covers the news that the global surface temperature of the planet in 2015 has set a new record, well above any previous measurement.
Analysis of “Scientists say human greenhouse gas emissions have canceled the next ice age”
in The Washington Post, by Chris Mooney
— 18 Jan 2016
"The article presents an accurate account of recently published research which suggests that human-induced global warming will delay the onset of the next ice age by 50,000 years. ..
Low solar activity has little effect on Earth’s climate, contrary to claim in The Sun
"The sun has gone into ‘lockdown’ which could cause freezing weather, earthquakes and famine, say scientists"
SOURCE: Chris Pollard, The Sun
Published: 20 May 2020

Claim in The Express that low solar activity is bringing cold weather is false
Cold weather to grip world as solar minimum to deepen, NASA says
SOURCE: Sean Martin, Express
Published: 24 Apr 2019

Heat waves in the U.S. have already become more frequent and intense due to global warming
the U.S. is shattering high temperature records far more frequently than it is shattering low temperature records
SOURCE: Chris Mooney, The Washington Post
Published: 24 Jul 2016