
Henning Åkesson
Postdoctoral researcher, Stockholm University and Bolin Centre for Climate Research
Expertise: Glaciers, Ice sheets, Paleoclimate

Kevin Anchukaitis
Associate Professor, The University of Arizona
Expertise: Paleoclimate, Dendrochronology, Dendroclimatology, Drought

William Anderegg
Associate Professor, University of Utah
Expertise: Forests, Drought, Climate extremes, Ecology

Kyle Armour
Assistant Professor, University of Washington
Expertise: Climate dynamics, Climate sensitivity

Linden Ashcroft
Climatologist, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Expertise: Climate history, Australian climate, Climate data quality

Hamed Ashouri
Lead Catastrophe Modeler, University of California, Irvine
Expertise: Precipitation, Remote Sensing, Climate Extremes, Climate Variability

Lennart Bach
Postdoctoral research fellow, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Expertise: Ocean acidification, Phytoplankton, Marine primary production

Pepijn Bakker
Assistant professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands
Expertise: Paleoclimate, Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, Last Interglacial, Climate variability

Karthik Balaguru
Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Expertise: Upper-ocean dynamics and Climate variability, Tropical Cyclones

Elizabeth Barnes
Assistant Professor, Colorado State University
Expertise: Atmospheric and Climate dynamics, Jet stream variability, Blocking

Ana Bastos
Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
Expertise: Carbon cycle, Climate variability, Ecology, Disturbances on Ecosystems

Alexis Berg
Research Associate, Harvard University
Expertise: Land-atmosphere interactions, Climate impacts on agroecosystems

Logan Berner
Assistant Research Professor, Northern Arizona University
Expertise: Forests, Ecology, Remote Sensing, Carbon Cycle

Richard Betts
Professor, Met Office Hadley Centre & University of Exeter
Expertise: Climate-vegetation interactions

Emma Boland
Physical Oceanographer, British Antarctic Survey
Expertise: Oceanography, Polar Regions, Climate Models

Francois-Marie Breon
Senior Scientist, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique
Expertise: Carbon Cycle, Earth Radiation Budget, Energy, Remote Sensing

Chris Brierley
Senior Lecturer, University College London
Expertise: Modelling the climate, Paleoclimate

Patrick Brown
Assistant Professor, San Jose State University
Expertise: Natural Decadal Variability, Global Temperature, Global Energy Budget

Stephen Burns
Professor, Dept. of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts
Expertise: Paleoclimatology, Tropical hydrology

Julius Busecke
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University
Expertise: Ocean salinity, Surface Ocean Dynamics, Ocean Mixing, Ocean Heat Transport, Ocean Eddies, Mesoscale

Mike Byrne
Imperial College Research Fellow, Imperial College London
Expertise: Continental climate change, Tropical atmospheric circulation, Water cycle, Climate feedbacks

Ken Caldeira
Senior Scientist, Carnegie Institution for Science
Expertise: Climate modeling, Ocean acidification, Long-term Geochemical cycles

Juliano Calil
Adjunct Professor, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS)
Expertise: Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change

Sam Chamberlain
Postdoctoral scholar, University of California, Berkeley
Expertise: Methane emissions, Ecosystem gas exchange, Wetlands and climate

Adrian Champion
Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Exeter
Expertise: Storms & storm tracks, Atmospheric dynamics, Flooding

Dan Chavas
Assistant Professor, Purdue University
Expertise: Tropical Cyclone physics, Risk analysis

Andreas Christen
Associate Professor, The University of British Columbia
Expertise: Urban climate, Greenhouse gases, Land-atmosphere interactions, Arctic

Mat Collins
Professor, University of Exeter
Expertise: Climate change projections, Models, El Niño Southern Oscillation

Christopher Colose
Research Scientist, SciSpace LLC, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Expertise: Atmospheric Science, Climate Dynamics, Planetary Atmospheres

Wolfgang Cramer
Professor, Directeur de Recherche, Mediterranean Institute for Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE)
Expertise: Climate impacts on ecosystems, Carbon cycle, Sustainable development

Anders Damsgaard
Postdoctoral Scholar, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton University
Expertise: Glacier and ice sheet mechanics, Sediments, Numerical modeling

Martin De Kauwe
Senior Research Fellow, University of New South Wales
Expertise: Carbon cycle, Drought, Climate modelling, Remote sensing

Andrea Dutton
Visiting Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin
Expertise: Paleo sea level, Paleoclimate, Paleoceanography

Kristie Ebi
Professor, University of Washington
Expertise: Health risks of climate variability and change, Adaptation

Kerry Emanuel
Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Science, MIT
Expertise: Tropical Climate, Hurricanes

Julien Emile-Geay
Assistant Professor, University of Southern California
Expertise: El Nino, Past climates, Statistics, Climate modeling, Oceanography

Simon Engelhart
Associate Professor, University of Rhode Island
Expertise: Sea-level changes, Glacial isostatic adjustment modeling, Storms, Salt marshes

Jean-François Exbrayat
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, The University of Edinburgh
Expertise: Terrestrial biogeochemistry, Land surface modelling

Georg Feulner
Senior Scientist, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
Expertise: Paleoclimatology, Influence of solar activity on Earth's climate

Marcos Fontela
Postdoctoral researcher, Institute of Marine Research (IIM-CSIC)
Expertise: Oceanography, Atlantic circulation, Marine carbon cycle

Tony Franceschini
Postdoctoral research fellow, Université Laval
Expertise: Impact of climate change on forests

Jennifer Francis
Senior Scientist, Woods Hole Research Center
Expertise: Arctic climate, Sea ice, Arctic/mid-latitude linkages, Extreme weather

Thomas Frederikse
Postdoctoral researcher, Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology
Expertise: Global sea level, Regional sea level, Solid-earth processes

Pierre Friedlingstein
Professor, University of Exeter
Expertise: Climate change, Carbon cycle, Ecosystems

Dargan Frierson
Associate Professor, University of Washington
Expertise: Global atmospheric circulation, Hydrologic cycle

Jeremy Fyke
Postdoctoral researcher, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Expertise: Climate change, Ice sheet modeling

Ailie Gallant
Research Fellow, Monash University
Expertise: Climate variability, Climate extremes, Drought, Paleoclimate

Jean-Pierre Gattuso
Research Professor, CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie and IDDRI
Expertise: Ocean and climate, Ocean acidification

Jacquelyn Gill
Assistant Professor, University of Maine
Expertise: Pleistocene paleoecology, Biogeography, Climate change and ecology

Robert Graham
Postdoc, Norwegian Polar Institute
Expertise: Arctic climate change, Southern Ocean, Last Glacial Maximum

Jonathan Gregory
Professor, University of Reading and UK Met Office Hadley Centre
Expertise: Sea level rise, Ocean climate change, Climate sensitivity

Eric Guilyardi
CNRS Research Director, Université Pierre et Marie Curie & Professor, University of Reading
Expertise: El Niño, Climate Predictability

Celine Guivarch
Senior researcher, CIRED, Ecole des Ponts
Expertise: Climate change economics, Energy economics

Walter Hannah
Climate Model Developer, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Expertise: Climate Models and Convection, Regional impacts of climate change

Janel Hanrahan
Assistant Professor, Lyndon State College
Expertise: Regional impacts of climate change, Regional climate modeling

Ed Hawkins
Principal Research Fellow, National Centre for Atmospheric Science
Expertise: Climate variability and predictability

Michael Henehan
Postdoctoral Researcher, GFZ Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
Expertise: Geochemistry, Reconstructing past atmospheric CO2 levels, Paleoclimate

Ben Henley
Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Melbourne
Expertise: Hydrology, Climate variability, Palaeoclimatology

Caroline Holmes
Polar Climate Scientist, British Antarctic Survey
Expertise: Sea Ice, Polar/midlatitude linkages, Climate impacts, Climate dynamics

Benjamin Horton
Professor, Earth Observatory of Singapore
Expertise: Past and Future sea level changes

Anna Hughes
Lecturer, University of Manchester
Expertise: Ice sheets and glaciers, Glacial geology, Remote sensing

Willem Huiskamp
Postdoctoral research fellow, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Expertise: Oceanography, Southern Hemisphere Climate, Southern Annular Mode, Paleoclimate reconstructions

Tatiana Ilyina
Head of the Ocean Biogeochemistry Group, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Expertise: Ocean biogeochemical cycles, Variability and predictability of carbon cycle

Gordon Inglis
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Bristol
Expertise: Palaeoclimate & Biogeochemical cycling

Dan Jones
Physical Oceanographer, British Antarctic Survey
Expertise: Ocean circulation, Ocean modelling, Air-sea gas exchange

Amber Kerr
Researcher, Agricultural Sustainability Institute, University of California, Davis
Expertise: Agricultural impacts of climate change, Ecosystem-climate feedbacks, Land use change and forestry, Societal adaptation

Andrew King
Research fellow, University of Melbourne
Expertise: Climate Extremes, Climate Variability, Detection and Attribution

Matt King
Professor, University of Tasmania
Expertise: Satellite monitoring of Antarctic ice sheets, Sea level rise

Marlene Klockmann
Postdoctoral research fellow, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht
Expertise: Past climate, Ocean circulation, Climate Modelling, Climate reconstructions

Hannes Konrad
Postdoctoral researcher, Alfred Wegener Institute
Expertise: Glaciology, Sea level, Satellite remote sensing

Gabriel Kooperman
Postdoctoral research fellow, University of California, Irvine
Expertise: Clouds, Rainfall, Climate change, Global climate modeling

Jan Ivar Korsbakken
Senior Researcher, CICERO Center for International Climate Research
Expertise: Climate economics, Carbon cycle, Land modelling, GHG emissions accounting, Energy systems, Energy statistics

Jim Kossin
Distinguished Science Advisor, First Street
Expertise: Climate Change and Tropical Cyclones

Charles Koven
Staff Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Expertise: Ecosystem feedbacks and responses to climate change

Ben Kravitz
Assistant Professor, Indiana University
Expertise: Climate modeling, Geoengineering, Climate engineering, Solar radiation management

Peter Landschützer
Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Expertise: Ocean carbon cycle, Ocean biogeochemistry, Air-sea CO2 exchange

Baird Langenbrunner
Associate Editor, Nature Climate Change
Expertise: Climate change, Climate modeling, Hydrological cycle

David Lawrence
Scientist III, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Expertise: Permafrost, Land-cover and land-use change, Hydrology, Land modeling, Earth System modeling

Corinne Le Quéré
Professor of Climate Change Science and Policy, University of East Anglia and the Tyndall Centre
Expertise: Carbon Cycle, Ocean biogeochemistry and acidification

Jan Lenaerts
Assistant Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder
Expertise: Climate models, Polar climate, Ice sheets, Meteorology

Matthieu Lengaigne
Senior Researcher, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
Expertise: Tropical variability, El Niño, Tropical Cyclones, Salinity, Sea level

Ted Letcher
Research Scientist, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab
Expertise: Regional Climate, Snow, Climate Feedbacks

Marina Levy
CNRS Senior scientist, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Expertise: Biogeochemistry, Marine ecosystems

Simon Lewis
Reader in global change science, University College London and University of Leeds
Expertise: Global carbon cycle, Tropical forests & Climate change, Forest biomass

Stef Lhermitte
Assistant professor in Geoscience & Remote Sensing, Delft University of Technology
Expertise: Remote sensing, Land-atmosphere interactions, Cryosphere, Ecosystems

Richard Lindroth
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Expertise: CO2 and ecological interactions, Climate change and plants, animals

Jessica Liptak
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Michigan
Expertise: Land carbon cycle-atmosphere and sea ice-atmosphere interactions

Camille Lique
Research scientist, Ifremer (French Marine Research Institute)
Expertise: Physical oceanography, Arctic climate

Shaun Lovejoy
Professor, McGill University
Expertise: Complex geosystems, Weather and Climate statistics

Jürg Luterbacher
Professor, Justus Liebig University of Giessen
Expertise: Climate dynamics and extremes, Recent paleoclimate

Mitch Lyle
Professor, Sr. Research, Oregon State University
Expertise: Paleoclimate, Paleoproductivity, Deep sea sediment, equatorial Pacific

Adrien Martin
Researcher, National Oceanography Centre
Expertise: Satellite oceanography, remote sensing

François Massonnet
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Université catholique de Louvain
Expertise: Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, Climate model evaluation

Kelly McCusker
Research Associate, Rhodium Group and Climate Impact Lab
Expertise: Arctic climate, Arctic/mid-lat linkages, Sea ice, Climate modeling

Iselin Medhaug
Senior scientist, ETH Zurich
Expertise: Multidecadal climate variability, Atlantic ocean circulation

Katrin Meissner
Professor, University of New South Wales
Expertise: Climate feedbacks, Physical oceanography, Carbon cycle, Paleoclimate

Nathanael Melia
Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Reading
Expertise: Arctic shipping, Arctic sea ice, Climate variability, Climate predictions

Christopher Merchant
Professor, University of Reading and UK National Centre for Earth Observation
Expertise: Climate observation, Climatology using satellites, Surface temperature

Judith Meyer
Postdoctoral research fellow, GEOMAR | Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Expertise: Ocean deoxygenation, Nutrient cycling, Phytoplankton

Mike Mills
Project Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Expertise: Volcanic aerosols, Geoengineering, Atmospheric modeling

Twila Moon
Research Scientist, University of Colorado, Boulder
Expertise: Cryosphere, Glaciology, Ice sheets, Remote sensing, Ice-ocean

Timothy Myers
Research Scientist, University of Colorado, Boulder / NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory
Expertise: Marine clouds, Cloud feedbacks, Climate change, Coupled atmosphere-ocean variability

Sarah Myhre
Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Washington
Expertise: Paleoceanography, Ocean Hypoxia, Marine Consequences of Abrupt Warming

Julia Nabel
Scientific Programmer, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Expertise: Land surface modelling, Carbon Cycle, Global land-use flux

Devaraju Narayanappa
Postdoctoral research fellow, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin (UVSQ-CEA-CNRS)
Expertise: Deforestation, Biophysical impacts, Hadley circulation, Climate change

Peter Neff
Assistant Research Professor, University of Minnesota
Expertise: Paleoclimate, Glaciology, Antarctic science, Ice cores

Matthew Newman
Senior Research Scientist, CIRES, University of Colorado
Expertise: Climate predictability and modeling, El Niño, Pacific Decadal Oscillation

Lindsey Nicholson
Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Innsbruck
Expertise: Glaciology, Geomorphology, Climate

Irene Brox Nilsen
Researcher, Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate
Expertise: Hydrology, Floods, Snow, Land--atmosphere interactions, Climatology, Trends

Peer Nowack
Independent Research Fellow, Imperial College London
Expertise: Climate sensitivity, Air pollution, machine learning

Timothy Osborn
Professor, University of East Anglia, and Director of Research, Climatic Research Unit
Expertise: Instrumental record, Climate projections, Natural climate variability

Matt Palmer
Lead Scientist, UK Met Office Hadley Centre
Expertise: Global and regional sea level, Ocean warming, Ocean circulation and climate variability

Camille Parmesan
Professor, University of Plymouth, UK and University of Texas at Austin, USA
Expertise: Climate change Impacts on biological systems, Insect/plant interaction

Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
Research Scientist, Climate Change Research Centre, The University of New South Wales
Expertise: Extreme events, Climate modelling

Alek Petty
Postdoctoral associate, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Expertise: Polar sea ice variability: modeling, remote sensing, prediction

Raissa Philibert
Postdoctoral research fellow, Stellenbosch University
Expertise: Biogeochemistry, Nitrogen cycling, Trace metal chemistry

Andy Pitman
Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, The University of New South Wales
Expertise: Terrestrial processes, Climate modelling

Stephen Po-Chedley
Research Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Expertise: Atmospheric temperature trends, Remote sensing, Climate feedbacks and sensitivity

Allen Pope
Research Associate, National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado Boulder
Expertise: Glaciology, Remote sensing

Ben Poulter
Research Scientist, NASA
Expertise: Carbon dioxide, Methane, Fire, Forests, Carbon sequestration

Andreas Prein
Project Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Expertise: High-resolution climate modeling, Climate extremes

Arvind Ravikumar
Post-doctoral fellow, Stanford University
Expertise: Greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, Energy/environmental policy, Energy transition, Technology assessment

Naama Raz Yaseef
Project Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Expertise: Carbon cycle, Biogeochemistry, Ecohydrology

Angelika Renner
Researcher, Institute of Marine Research, Tromsø, Norway
Expertise: Polar physical oceanography, Sea ice physics

James Renwick
Professor, Victoria University of Wellington
Expertise: Large-scale climate variability, Antarctic climate

Mark Richardson
Research Associate, Colorado State University/NASA JPL
Expertise: Remote sensing, satellite data, Clouds, Climate sensitivity, Temperature records

Chris Roberts
Research Scientist, ECMWF/Met Office
Expertise: Climate change & variability, Predictability, Oceanography, Sea level

Scott Robeson
Professor, Indiana University
Expertise: Climate change detection, Spatial statistics, Time series analysis

Joeri Rogelj
Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Expertise: Climate change, Integrated assessment, Emissions scenarios

Brian Rose
Assistant Professor, University at Albany (SUNY)
Expertise: Climate sensitivity, Ocean-sea ice interaction, Heat transport

Keven Roy
Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University
Expertise: Sea level change and variability, Climate dynamics

Maria Rugenstein
Postdoctoral research fellow, ETH Zürich, MPI-M Hamburg
Expertise: Climate sensitivity, Climate models, Feedbacks, Ocean circulation

Margot Saher
Lecturer, Bangor University, Wales, UK
Expertise: Sea level change, Arctic climate change, Monsoon

Jean-Baptiste Sallee
Research Scientist , CNRS (french National Center for Scientific Research), LOCEAN-IPSL
Expertise: Physical Oceanography, Southern Ocean

Tobias Sauter
Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Erlangen
Expertise: Glaciology, Meteorology, Climate Modelling, Precipitation

Kathleen Schiro
Postdoctoral scholar, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Expertise: Tropical dynamics, Atmospheric convection, Water vapor

Justin Schoof
Professor and Chair, Southern Illinois University
Expertise: Regional climate change, Heat waves and moisture

Ernst Schrama
Associate Professor, Delft University of Technology
Expertise: Geodesy, Sea level, Cryosphere

James Screen
Associate Professor, University of Exeter
Expertise: Polar climate, Arctic sea-ice loss influences on mid-latitude weather

William Seviour
Vice Chancellor's Research Fellow, University of Bristol
Expertise: Atmospheric dynamics, Stratosphere, Polar climate, Climate models

Joseph Shea
Assistant Professor, University of Northern British Columbia
Expertise: Glaciology, Hydrology, Alpine meteorology

Nick Siler
Assistant Professor, Oregon State University
Expertise: Hydrologic cycle, Regional variability and change, Climate feedbacks, Climate sensitivity

Lauren Simkins
Assistant Professor, University of Virginia
Expertise: Antarctic Ice Sheet, Glacial geology, Coastal processes

Martin Singh
Postdoctoral Research fellow, Harvard University
Expertise: Moist convection, Tropical dynamics

Aimée Slangen
Researcher, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)
Expertise: Regional Sea-level Change

Steven Smith
Senior Scientist, JGCRI - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory & University of Maryland
Expertise: Emissions, Integrated Assessment, Energy, Short-Lived Climate Forcers

Adam Sobel
Professor, Columbia University
Expertise: Atmospheric & climate dynamics, Tropical meteorology, Extreme weather

Ryan Sriver
Associate Professor, University of Illinois
Expertise: Climate Dynamics, Earth System Modeling, Extreme Events, Risk Analysis

Benjamin Stocker
Postdoctoral research fellow, Centre for Research on Ecology & Forestry Applications (CREAF), Spain
Expertise: Carbon cycle, Climate feedbacks, Land use change, Terrestrial biosphere, Palaeo-climatology

Malte Stuecker
Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Washington
Expertise: Tropical climate, ENSO, Monsoon, Antarctic sea ice

Daniel Swain
Climate Scientist, University of California, Los Angeles
Expertise: Climate change, Extreme weather, Drought, Floods, Atmospheric rivers

Abigail Swann
Assistant Professor, University of Washington
Expertise: Ecosystem-climate interactions, carbon cycling

Didier Swingedouw
Researcher, CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research)
Expertise: Ocean circulation, Climate dynamics & variability, AMOC, Paleoclimate

Alexis Tantet
Postdoctoral researcher, Hamburg University, Meteorologisches Institut
Expertise: Climate dynamics, Climate sensitivity

Massimo Tavoni
Associate Professor, Politecnico di Milano
Expertise: Climate change economics and modeling

Steffen Tietsche
Senior Scientist, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
Expertise: Sea ice, Air-sea interaction, Arctic climate, Weather prediction

Michelle Tigchelaar
Research Associate, University of Washington
Expertise: Paleoclimate, Climate change impacts on food security

Valerie Trouet
Associate Professor, University of Arizona
Expertise: Tree rings, Past climate, Forest ecosystems, Wildfire

Luke Trusel
Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University
Expertise: Ice sheet melting, Ice-climate interactions

Michel Tsamados
Lecturer (Assistant Professor), University College London
Expertise: Sea ice, Climate Change, Oceanography, Polar Regions, Rheology

Giorgio Vacchiano
Assistant Professor, Università di Milano
Expertise: Forest ecology and management, Climate change

Geert Jan van Oldenborgh
Senior researcher, KNMI (The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute)
Expertise: Analysis of past climate and weather, how climate models represent it.

Hugh Venables
Senior Scientist, British Antarctic Survey
Expertise: Physical Oceanography, Biogeochemistry, Antarctica

Jerome Vialard
Senior scientist, IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement)
Expertise: Ocean climate variability in the Pacific and Indian sectors

Sara Vicca
Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Antwerp
Expertise: Terrestrial ecosystems, Extremes, Carbon cycle, Biogeochemistry

Jason West
Associate Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Expertise: Climate change, Atmospheric composition, Radiative forcing, Air pollution, Health, Energy, Integrated assessment

Anthony LeRoy Westerling
Associate Professor, University of California, Merced
Expertise: US forests wildfires

Kirien Whan
Research Associate, KNMI (The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute)
Expertise: Climate extremes, Modeling, Event attribution

Rob Wilson
Professor, University of St Andrews
Expertise: Dendrochronology, Dendroclimatology, Late Holocene palaeoclimatology

Scott Wing
Curator and Research Scientist, Department of Paleobiology, Smithsonian Institution
Expertise: Paleoclimate, Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum

Tim Woollings
Lecturer, University of Oxford
Expertise: Atmospheric Dynamics, Jet Stream, Storm Tracks

Mark Zelinka
Research Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Expertise: Cloud feedbacks, Climate sensitivity, Radiative forcing

Zhen Zhang
Postdoctoral Scientist, University of Maryland College Park
Expertise: Methane, Wetlands, Land surface modeling
Guest contributors

William Armstrong
Visiting Assistant Professor, Appalachian State University
Guest analyst - Glaciers, Earth surface processes

Marcus Badger
Lecturer in Earth Sciences, The Open University
Guest analyst - Paleoclimate, Carbon cycling, Past atmospheric CO2

David Bahr
Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Regis University and Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado
Guest analyst - Glaciology

Roger Bales
Professor of Engineering, University of California, Merced
Guest analyst - Hydrology, Water resources and Climate change

David Battisti
Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington
Guest analyst - Atmosphere/Ocean Interaction, Paleoclimate, Climate and Food Security

Rasmus Benestad
Senior scientist, The Norwegian Meteorological institute
Guest analyst - Solar influence on climate, Climate analysis, Downscaling, El Niño

Aaron Bernstein
Associate Director of the Center for Health and the Global Environment, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard
Guest analyst - Climate and health

Michela Biasutti
Lamont Associate Research Professor, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Guest analyst - Climate Dynamics, Tropical Meteorology, Monsoons

Nathaelle Bouttes
Research scientist, CNRS, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE)
Guest analyst - Carbon cycle, Climate modelling, Paleoclimate

Laurens Bouwer
Senior risk advisor, Deltares
Guest analyst - Climate change impacts, Extreme weather impacts (flooding/storms)

Michael Brauer
Professor, The University of British Columbia
Guest analyst - Health impacts of air pollution

Christian Breyer
Professor, Lappeenranta University of Technology
Guest analyst - Energy system transition, Solar Economy, Renewable Energy

John Bruno
Professor, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Guest analyst - Climate change impacts on ocean ecosystems

Wenju Cai
Principal Research Scientist, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Guest analyst - Tropical climate

Jeff Chanton
Professor, Florida State University
Guest analyst - Methane and Carbon Dioxide Production

Daniel Cohan
Associate Professor, Rice University
Guest analyst - Atmospheric chemistry, Air pollution, Photochemical modeling

Benjamin Cook
Associate Research Scientist, Columbia University
Guest analyst - Paleoclimate, Hydrology

Peter deMenocal
Professor, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, and Director, Center for Climate and Life
Guest analyst - Paleoclimate

Wenfeng Deng
Research Fellow, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Guest analyst - Paleoclimate, Coral geochemistry

Simon Donner
Associate Professor, The University of British Columbia
Guest analyst - Climate change and coral reefs, Ocean warming and El Nino

Laurence Dyke
Postodoctoral Researcher, The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
Guest analyst - Palaeoglaciology, Palaeoceanography, Greenland, Glaciology, Oceanography

Mark Eakin
Scientist, Coordinator of NOAA’s Coral Reef Watch, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Guest analyst - Impact of climate change on coral reefs

David Easterling
Chief of the Scientific Services Division, NOAA's National Climatic Data Center
Guest analyst - Climate extremes, Impacts on human health

Richard Feely
Senior Scientist, NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
Guest analyst - Carbon cycling, Impacts of CO2 on marine ecosystems

Erich Fischer
Senior scientist, ETH Zurich
Guest analyst - Extreme weather, Heat wave, Heavy rainfall, Regional climate change

Antonio Gasparrini
Senior Lecturer, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Guest analyst - Climate and health, Biostatistics, Epidemiology

Peter Gibson
Postdoctoral researcher, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Guest analyst - Climate extremes, Heat waves, Drought, Regional climate modelling

Peter Gleick
President Emeritus and Chief Scientist, Pacific Institute
Guest analyst - Water Resources, Drought

Patrick Grenier
Specialist in climate scenarios, Ouranos
Guest analyst - Climate scenarios methods, Arctic climate, Physics of climate

Stephan Harrison
Associate Professor in Quaternary Science, University of Exeter
Guest analyst - Geomorphological responses to climate change

Zeke Hausfather
Research Scientist, University of California Berkeley
Guest analyst - Energy systems, Environmental economy

Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
Professor and Director, Global Change Institute, University of Queensland
Guest analyst - Climate impacts on coral reef ecosystems

Greg Holland
Willis Senior Scientist and Leader of Regional Climate Section, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Guest analyst - Tropical climate

Terry Hughes
Professor, ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University
Guest analyst - Coral reefs dynamics and resilience

Colleen Iversen
Senior Staff Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Guest analyst - Ecosystems, soils, carbon cycle

Loic Jullion
Postdoctoral Research fellow, Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography
Guest analyst - Physical Oceanography

Reto Knutti
Professor, ETH Zürich
Guest analyst - Climate projections, Attribution, Feedbacks, and Sensitivity

Niels Jákup Korsgaard
Postdoctoral research fellow, Nordic Volcanological Center, University of Iceland
Guest analyst - Dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet

Ron Kwok
Senior Research Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Guest analyst - Arctic and Southern Ocean ice cover, role of sea ice in global climate

Upmanu Lall
Professor of Engineering, Columbia University
Guest analyst - Hydrology, Water resource systems

Michelle L’Heureux
Scientist, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Guest analyst - El Niño, Climate variability

David Lobell
Associate Professor, Stanford University
Guest analyst - Food security, crop yields, and climate change

Michael Lockwood
Professor of Space Environment Physics, University of Reading
Guest analyst - Solar influence on climate

Ulrike Lohmann
Professor, ETH Zürich
Guest analyst - Role of aerosol particles and clouds in the climate system, Radiation balance, Hydrological cycle

Jianhua Lu
Assistant Scholar Scientist, Florida State University
Guest analyst - Physics of global warming, Climate dynamics

Mike MacCracken
Chief Scientist for Climate Change Programs, Climate Institute
Guest analyst - Geoengineering, Climate change and impacts

Andrew MacDougall
Assistant Professor, St. Francis Xavier University
Guest analyst - Permafrost carbon feedback, Carbon budgets, Climate modeling

Shana McDermott
Assistant Professor, Trinity University
Guest analyst - Climate change policies (carbon tax, tradable permits)

Carl Mears
Senior Research Scientist, Remote Sensing Systems (RSS)
Guest analyst - Climate data records, Satellite Measurements

Frances Moore
Assistant Professor, University of California Davis
Guest analyst - Economics, Social cost of carbon, Agricultural impacts, Adaptation

Richard Moss
Adjunct Professor, Department of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland
Guest analyst - Climate decision support, Scenarios, Vulnerability, Uncertainty

Thomas Mote
Professor, Department of Geography, University of Georgia
Guest analyst - Hydroclimatology

James E Neumann
Principal, Industrial Economics
Guest analyst - Economics of climate change adaptation, Impacts of sea level rise

Robert Nicholls
Professor of Coastal Engineering, University of Southampton
Guest analyst - Sea level rise, coastal impacts and adaptation to climate change

Ilissa Ocko
Senior Climate Scientist, Environmental Defense Fund
Guest analyst - Climate modeling, Aerosols, Black carbon, Methane, Short-lived climate pollutants, Climate metrics

Friederike Otto
Deputy Director Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford
Guest analyst - Extreme weather, Attribution, Climate modelling

Mauri Pelto
Professor of Environmental Science, Associate Dean, Nichols College
Guest analyst - Glaciology

Vasilii Petrenko
Assistant Professor, University of Rochester
Guest analyst - Paleoclimate, Stable isotopes, Methane

Stefan Rahmstorf
Professor, Potsdam University
Guest analyst - Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, Sea level rise

Peter Reich
Regents Professor, University of Minnesota
Guest analyst - Forest ecosystems and climate

Eric Rignot
Professor, University of California Irvine & Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Guest analyst - Glaciology, Oceanography, Remote sensing

G Philip Robertson
Professor, Michigan State University
Guest analyst - Climate impacts on temperate region agriculture, Nitrous oxide

Agus Santoso
Senior research scientist, University of New South Wales
Guest analyst - Climate variability, Indo-Pacific climate, El Nino

Ted Scambos
Senior Research Scientist, National Snow and Ice Data Center
Guest analyst - Climate change effects on the cryosphere

Daniel Schindler
Professor, University of Washington
Guest analyst - Aquatic Ecology, Fisheries, Climate Change impacts

Gavin Schmidt
Director, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Guest analyst - Climate change drivers: solar irradiance, atmospheric chemistry

Verena Schoepf
Research Associate, The University of Western Australia
Guest analyst - Coral reefs, Climate change, Ocean acidification, Coral bleaching

Andrew Shepherd
Professor, University of Leeds
Guest analyst - Earth Observation, Ice sheets, Sea level

Steven Sherwood
Professor, University of New South Wales
Guest analyst - Physical Meteorology and Atmospheric Climate Dynamics

Emily Shuckburgh
Deputy Head of Polar Oceans, British Antarctic Survey
Guest analyst - Atmosphere and ocean dynamics; polar processes

Philip Staddon
Associate Professor, Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University
Guest analyst - Climate Change and Human Health

John Sterman
Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Guest analyst - System dynamics, Climate simulations

Julienne Stroeve
Senior Research Scientist, University College London
Guest analyst - Polar climate, Sea ice

Simone Tilmes
Project Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Guest analyst - Atmospheric chemistry, Climate models, Geoengineering

Richard Tol
Professor of Economics, University of Sussex
Guest analyst - Economics of climate change

Bruno Tremblay
Associate Professor, McGill University
Guest analyst - High-latitude/Arctic climate, Sea ice

Kevin Trenberth
Distinguished Senior Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Guest analyst - Global energy and water cycles

Emmanuel Vincent
Research Scientist, University of California, Merced
Guest analyst - Tropical Cyclones, Ocean-Atmosphere interactions

Frank Vöhringer
Dr. rer. pol, Scientist, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Guest analyst - Climate and energy economics

Anthony Walker
Research Staff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Guest analyst - Terrestrial Carbon Cycle, CO2 fertilisation, Photosynthesis

Kevin Walsh
Professor of Meteorology, University of Melbourne
Guest analyst - Tropical Cyclones, Rainfall

Jake Weltzin
Program Manager, US Geological Survey
Guest analyst - Plant and animal responses to climate change

Donald Wuebbles
Professor of Atmospheric Science, University of Illinois
Guest analyst - Atmospheric physics and chemistry, Numerical Modeling

Hussein Yahia
Senior Research Scientist, Head of GEOSTAT, INRIA
Guest analyst - Nonlinear geophysics, Signal processing, Greenhouse gases fluxes at super-resolution

Gary Yohe
Professor of Economics and Environmental Studies, Wesleyan University
Guest analyst - Climate change economic impacts